
Synesthesia, LAAC wonzimer Oct 7th - Oct 28th 2021

All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music,” Walter Pater wrote. The group exhibition Synesthesia puts this theory into practice. Named after the condition of sensory overlap – seeing music, hearing color – Synesthesia was curated with five visual artists and five musicians, creating a total of five musician/visual artist pairs. Each visual artist provided reference images of their work to the musician. The musician created a song inspired by and in reference to the visual portfolio. Finally, the musicians sent their audio to their corresponding artists, who used the music as inspiration for five new visual works which will be displayed at the show. Curated by Wönzimer Gallery’s Aidan Nelson and presented at the Los Angeles Athletic Club, this creative exchange exhibits “athleticism in the arts” celebrated by the latter. Making visual and auditory works with paint, concrete, piano, and upright bass, the artists and musicians in Synthesia are passing inspiration back and forth, stretching media and chasing the sensory experience of art within and across disciplines.

Collaborating Visual & Musical Artists:

Cheyann Washington & David Ross

Cyril Kuhn & BrIAn Hargrove

Retro 1999 & Gaiuh

Frankie Tobin & Gemma Castro

Damon Davis & Zeroh


Sui Generis


Heart of Lilith